Ashwin Sanghi (Image Credit: Ashwin Sanghi/Facebook)

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Ashwin Sanghi is a prominent Indian author known for his gripping thriller novels

Image Credit: Ashwin Sanghi/Facebook

Born in Mumbai on January 25, 1969.

Image Credit: Ashwin Sanghi/Facebook

Studied at prestigious institutions like Cathedral & John Connon School and St. Xavier's College.

Image Credit: Ashwin Sanghi/Facebook

Launched his literary journey in 2006.

Image Credit: Ashwin Sanghi/Facebook

Achieved national acclaim with his debut novel, "The Rozabal Line," which explored a controversial theory about Jesus's death.

Image Credit: Ashwin Sanghi/Facebook

Established a prolific writing career, penning several bestsellers like "Chanakya's Chant," "The Krishna Key," and "The Sialkot Saga."

Image Credit: Ashwin Sanghi/Facebook

He won the Crossword Popular Choice Award for "Chanakya's Chant."

Image Credit: Ashwin Sanghi/Facebook